The Battle of Focşani (also Battle of Fokschani or Battle of Focsani; Hungarian Foksányi csata) was a battle in the Russo–Turkish War of 1787–1792 fought on July 21, 1789, between the Ottoman Empire and the alliance of the Russian Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy near Focşani, Moldavia (now in Romania). The Russians were led by Alexander Suvorov, the Austrians by Prince Josias of Coburg, and the Ottomans by Grand Vizier Koca Yusuf Pasha.
Austrian army numbered 18,000 men, with Hungarian infantry and some cavalry forces, while the Russian one had 7,000 soldiers. The Ottoman mustered ca. 30,000 soldiers.
The allies stormed the Ottoman entrenched camp with a huge army, and drove out the Ottomans with a loss of 2,000.
Russo-Austrian Corps under Suvarov
at Foscani
l August l789
lst Line: (Left to right)(all infantry is in square)
Russian Musketeer Regiment (2 bns)
supported by 6 l2pdrs in corners & front of square
Russian Jager Regiment (2 bns)
supported by 6 cannon in corners & front of square
Russian Grenadier Regiment (2 bns)
supported by 6 l2pdrs in corners & front of square
Kaunitz Infantry Regiment (l bn)
supported by 5 3pdr cannon in front of square,
2 in each corner & l in middle.
Leveneher Chevauxleger (4 sqns) in line in support
behind Kaunitz Regiment)
Karl Toscana Grenadier Battalion
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
2 l2pdrs in line
Khevenhüller Grenadier Battalion
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Battery (6pdr, l2pdr, 2-6pdrs)
W. Colloredo Infantry Regiment (l bn)
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Battery - 2 l2pdrs
Schröder Infantry Regiment (l bn)
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Battery - 2 l2pdrs
Kaiser Infantry Regiment (l bn)
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
2nd Line:
Left Wing:
Russian Musketeer Regiment (2 bns)
supported by 6 l2pdrs in corners & front of square
Russian Musketeer Regiment (2 bns)
supported by 6 l2pdrs in corners & front of square
Karabiners (9 sqns) in line behind these two regiments
Cossacks (l sqn) behind Karabiniers & lst Musketeer Regiment
Arnauten (l sqn) behind Karabiniers between musketeer regts.
Cossacks (l sqn) behind Karabiniers & 2nd Musketeer Regiment.
Mittrowsky Grennadier Battalion
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Barco Hussar Regiment in support in two lines, each
line with 4 sqns.
Pellegrini Grendier Battalion
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Levenher Chevauxleger Regiment in support in two lines,
each line with 3 sqns.
lst Szekler Grenz Regiment (l bn)
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
lst Szekler Grenz Regiment (l bn)
2 3pdrs in each front corner & l 6pdr in middle of
Kaiser Hussar Regiment in support - 2 sqns between
Szekler bns, 4 to rear and right of right wing.
Szekler Hussar Regiment (2 sqns) behind left 2 sqns
of Kaiser Hussars in second line.
Kaiser Hussar Regiment (4 sqns) to right of Szekler
Criste, O., K.u.K. Kriegsarchivs, Kriege under Kaiser Josef II, Vienna, l904