Ordres de Batailles
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Ordres de Batailles

Les ordres de batailles des guerres de la révolution et napoleoniennes
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 1808 Octobre 25 - Lerrin & Logrono

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Date d'inscription : 28/11/2005

1808 Octobre 25 - Lerrin & Logrono Empty
MessageSujet: 1808 Octobre 25 - Lerrin & Logrono   1808 Octobre 25 - Lerrin & Logrono EmptyJeu 28 Déc - 4:01

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After Bailén and the consequent French retreat, there was a confrontation between Cuesta and General Castaños which ended with Cuesta’s arrest. Zayas, as his subordinate and close collaborator, was stripped of his post of Chief of Staff of the so-called Army of Castile. These troops, reduced to a division of that which Zayas had joined, moved towards Logroño. At Logroño they fought several skirmishes with the French. On the 25th October Ney attacked Logroño, which he abandoned the next day. General Castaños considered the troops of the division had not fought as well as they could have, so he ordered their dissolution. Zayas found himself without a position.
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1808 Octobre 25 - Lerrin & Logrono
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