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 Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión

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Nombre de messages : 995
Localisation : evry
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2005

Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión Empty
MessageSujet: Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión   Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión EmptyMar 25 Juin - 6:58

The Ferrol Expedition (or Battle of Brión) took place on 25 and 26 August 1800, and was an unsuccessful British attempt to capture Ferrol from Spain. Ferrol was a major Spanish naval base with a shipyard for shipbuilding and dry dock for repairs.

After a heavy cannonade against a small Spanish fort of eight 24 pound cannon by the British ships of the line HMS Impetueux with 74 guns, HMS London with 96 guns, HMS Courageux, HMS Renown and HMS Captain, each with 74 guns, under the command of under the superintendence of Sir Edward Pellew, the British effected a landing at a small opening near Cape Prior. The army commander was Lieutenant-general Sir James Pulteney. The force landed consisted of seven British regiments, one of two battalions, and the rifle-corps totaling 8,000 troops and 16 field pieces.
The Spanish defenders of Ferrol were: Don Francisco Melgarejo, commander of the naval department; Juan Moreno, commander of the squadron stationed in the harbour; Don Francisco Xavier Negrété, captain-general of the province; and Field Marshal Count Donadio, who commanded the fortifications that protected the coast. The Spanish ship of the line were: Real Carlos and San Hermenegildo, each 112 guns; San Fernando, 96 guns; Argonauta, 80 guns; San Antonio and San Augustin, each 74 guns.
The British rifle-corps advanced up a ridge and was attacked by a Spanish detachment which it drove back with some loss. Early on the morning of the 26 August a considerable body of Spanish attacked the British on the heights of Brion and Balon but they were repulsed. British casualties were 16 killed and 68 wounded. The heights overlooked the town and harbour of Ferrol. That night, after observing the strength of the fortifications, the British troops and artillery were embarked back on their ships.

Spanish victory

15000 britanniques (environ 80 pertes) vs 2000 à 4000 espagnols (environ 140 pertes)

Mariscal de campo Donadío Teniente General MorenoContralmirante Warren General Pulteney

Fuerzas españolas
[*]10 cañoneros
[*]Regimiento de Infantería Asturias, 1º y 2º Batallón
[*]Regimiento de Infantería Órdenes Militares, 2º Batallón
[*]Regimiento de Infantería Inmemorial del Rey, 3º Batallón
[*]Regimiento de Infantería Guadalajara
[*]Regimiento de Infantería América, 2º Batallón
[*]Regimiento de Infantería África, 1º Batallón
[*]Regimiento Provincial de Pontevedra
[*]Regimiento Provincial de Orense
[*]División de Granaderos y Cazadores Provinciales de Galicia
[*]Real Cuerpo de Artillería, 3º Batallón
[*]Fachos, cuatro trozos de la comarca
[*]Fuerzas de marinería e Infantería de Marina pertenecientes a los navíos que se encontraban en el puerto.
[*]Operarios de la Maestranza
[*]Paisanos, 400 armados en el Arsenal para la defensa de la plaza.

lien :

  • La Batalla de Brión - todoababor.es
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Nombre de messages : 995
Localisation : evry
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2005

Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión   Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión EmptyMar 25 Juin - 6:59

Fuerzas británicas
21 buques de guerra, 86 transportes y 15.000 hombres pertenecientes a los regimientos que se detallan a continuación:

  • - 9º Regimiento de Infantería "EAST NORFOLK", 1º, 2º Y 3º Batallón
    - 13º Regimiento de Infantería "PRINCE ALBERT´S LIGHT INFANTRY (SOMERSET)"
    - 23º Regimiento de Infantería "ROYAL WELCH FUSILIERS"
    - 27º Regimiento de Infantería "INNISKILLING", 1º y 2º Batallón
    - 31º Regimiento de Infantería "HUNTINGDONSHIRE"
    - 52º Regimiento de Infantería "OXFORDSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY" 1º Y 2º Batallón
    - 54º Regimiento de Infantería "WEST NORFOLK", 1º Y 2º Batallón
    - 63º Regimiento de Infantería "WEST SUFFOLK"
    - 79º Regimiento de Infantería "THE QUEEN`S OWN CAMERON HIGHLANDERS" ROYALS GUARDS 1º Y 2º Batallón
    - 1º Regimiento "COLD STREAM GUARDS " 1º Batallón
    - 3º Regimiento "COLD STREAM GUARDS 1º Batallón
    - Destacamentos de los " RIFLE CORPS Y HOMPESHES MOUNTED RILE
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Expedition de Ferrol ou Bataille de Brión
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