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 1792 Aout 21 - Lonnoy

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Nombre de messages : 783
Date d'inscription : 28/11/2005

1792 Aout 21 - Lonnoy Empty
MessageSujet: 1792 Aout 21 - Lonnoy   1792 Aout 21 - Lonnoy EmptyMar 10 Oct - 15:20

Clerfayt's corps was to be between Rousselaer and Menin on the 16th, and the next day to force its way across the Lys at Werwick and connect with the main army. The main army was to advance in four columns. The first three, under the duke of York, were to move off, at daylight on the 17th, by Dottignies, Leers and Lannoy respectively to the line Mouscron-Tourcoing-Mouveaux. The fourth and fifth under Kinsky and the archduke Charles were to defeat the French corps on the upper Marque, and then, leaving Lille on their left and guaranteeing themselves by a cordon system against being Sketci,
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1792 Aout 21 - Lonnoy
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