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 danes versus von schill, 1809

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Nombre de messages : 995
Localisation : evry
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2005

danes versus von schill, 1809 Empty
MessageSujet: danes versus von schill, 1809   danes versus von schill, 1809 EmptyMer 22 Avr - 6:26

The Danes helped quell the rebellion of Major Von Schill in 1809. After riding across Germany, von Schill had holed up in Stralsund, in Swedish Pomerania on the Baltic Sea. At one time von Schill had planned to slip away to the Island of Rugen, to be evacuated by the British fleet to Spain. Instead, he decided to establish a base of operations there. A joint Dutch/Danish force assaulted the fortress city; it was a Danish soldier who shot the famous major on May 31, 1809. The Danish troops involved in the Assault on Stralsund (and later the pursuit of the Duke of Brunswick) were:

1st and 2nd battalions (minus the Grenadier company), Oldenburg Infantry Regiment
3rd battalion, Holstein Infantry Regiment
4th and 56th companies, 2nd battalion Holstein Sharpshooter Corps
1 troop Holstein Heavy Cavalry Regiment
2nd and 6th squadrons, Danish Hussars
8 x 3 pounder light Foot Artillery and 2 x 3 pounder Horse Artillery guns
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danes versus von schill, 1809
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