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 Battle of Arzobispo, 8 August 1809

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Nombre de messages : 995
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Date d'inscription : 30/11/2005

Battle of Arzobispo, 8 August 1809 Empty
MessageSujet: Battle of Arzobispo, 8 August 1809   Battle of Arzobispo, 8 August 1809 EmptyLun 11 Aoû - 16:22

Nicolas Soult Spain Duke of Albuquerque
Units involved II Corps and V Corps vs  Army of Extremadura
Strength 37,000 vs 8,000, 16 guns
Casualties and losses 115 vs 1,400, 30 guns
During the pursuit, Soult's horsemen not only seized 16 Spanish guns, but also recaptured at least 14 of the 17 French artillery pieces lost at Talavera.

Albuquerque's 2nd Cavalry Division was made up of the Alcantara, Almanza, Infante and Pavia Cavalry Regiments, six squadrons of the 1st and 2nd Extremadura Hussar Regiments, and one squadron of the Carabineros Reales. Bassecourt's 5th Division included two battalions each of the 1st Real Marina and Murcia Infantry Regiments, the 1st Battalion of the Reyna Regiment, the 3rd Battalion of the Africa Regiment, and either one or three battalions of the Provincial de Sigüenza Regiment. The Spanish artillery counted 16 guns.

General of Brigade Jean-Baptiste Girard and General of Division Honoré Théodore Maxime Gazan led the two infantry divisions in Mortier's V Corps while Colonel Henri Pierre Delaage led the corps cavalry brigade. In February 1809, Girard's 1st Division comprised three battalions each of the 17th Light, 40th Line, 64th Line, and 88th Line Infantry Regiments and four battalions of the 34th Line. Gazan's 2nd Division consisted of three battalions each of the 21st, 28th, 100th, and 103rd Line Infantry Regiments. Delaage commanded the 10th Hussar and 21st Chasseurs à Cheval Regiments. The corps artillery included 30 artillery pieces. General of Division Louis Gabriel Suchet led the 1st Division in February, but he transferred to command the III Corps in April taking with him one battalion of the 64th Line as an escort.

Generals of Division Armand Lebrun de La Houssaye and Jean Thomas Guillaume Lorge led one and a half divisions of cavalry. Houssaye commanded the 3rd Dragoon Division which consisted of the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 27th Dragoon Regiments. Lorge directed the 4th Dragoon Division which was made up of the 13th, 15th, 22nd, and 25th Dragoons. However, since February, one brigade of Lorge's dragoons had been detached to serve with Ney's corps. This unit was led by General of Brigade François Fournier and it probably comprised the 15th and 25th Dragoons, which were still with the VI Corps at the Battle of Tamames in October 1809. General of Brigade Pierre Benoît Soult led the II Corps cavalry which included the 1st Hussar, 8th Dragoon, 22nd Chasseurs à Cheval, and Hanoverian Chevau-léger Regiments. The II Corps infantry divisions were led by Generals of Division Pierre Hugues Victoire Merle, Henri François Delaborde, and Étienne Heudelet de Bierre.
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Battle of Arzobispo, 8 August 1809
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