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Ordres de Batailles

Les ordres de batailles des guerres de la révolution et napoleoniennes
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 Ocaña : 19 novembre 1809

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Ocaña : 19 novembre 1809  Empty
MessageSujet: Ocaña : 19 novembre 1809    Ocaña : 19 novembre 1809  EmptySam 5 Oct - 15:50

raccourci trouvé par thierry ds les napoleon series & complété avec wiki pour le nombre d'hommes & les troupes espagnoles révoltées.
tout plein de troupes allemandes, polonaises, hollandaises, espagnols de joseph Smile



"french" OOB for the battle of Ocana (19.xi.09):

[IV and V Corps]
Infantry cmdr: Marschal Mortier

FRENCH IV CORPS, Acting cmdr. Dessolle. [GdD Sebastiani]

CoS: AC Louis-Joseph-Amour Bouille du Chariol ( prior AC Jean-Joseph Gautier).

Art. Cmdr.:

2nd Division: GdD Jean-Francois, baron Leval (w. Ocana). Command then taken over by GM (Hol.) David Hendrik Chassé.

AdC: Veichs (Hessen Guards)

Bevalet (Hol.)

Capt. Wilhelm Kraft.

Kriegs (Regt-adj. Nassau regt.)

Cmdr. Div. Artillery: Maj. (Hol.) Franz Friederich Chistian von Steinmetz, k. 28.vii.09, Talavera.

1st Brigade (German): Oberst August von Kruse (1779-1848) from 30.ix.09. [Prior GB

(Nassau) Konrad Rudolph von Schäffer returned to Nassau 30.ix.09. (prior Leval)]

4th Baden (Gross Herzog): Oberst-lt. Heinrich Wilhelm Hennig, w. Almonacid. [prior Col. (GM) Heinrich Philip Reinhard von Porbeck (b. 1771; k. Talavara); from 20.xii.09 Col.(GM) Josef Karl Franz Xaver, Frhr. von Neuenstein (1767-1838).]

1st Bat.: acting cmdr. Hauptman Horadam.

2nd Bat.: Maj. Franz Lehmann. [Replaced Hennig after he was wounded.]

2nd Nassau: Oberst August von Kruse (1779-1848). w. Medellin.

1st Bat.: Kapt. Ludwig Wilhelm Theodor Thielmann (>Major, 19.xi.09)[Maj. Friedrich Wilhelm von Goedecke replaced v. Kruse after he was wounded.]

2nd Bat.: Oberst-lt. Friedrich Wilhelm Meder.

Baden art. comp.: Lt. Klaiber (Bender?). (Capt. Carl v. Lassollaye, w. Talavera.) 2 - 7 lb Baden howitzers.

Train comp.: Lt. Zeitler.

2nd Brigade (Hol.): GM (Hol.) David Hendrik de Chasse.

CoS: Lt.-Kol. Louis Alberti (Gen. Staff (3rd Hol. Hus. Regt.?))

Aides de Camp:

Kapitein Pieter Hendrik Baron van Zuylen van Nyevelt (b. 1.vii.82)(Gen. Staff).

1ste Luitenant Adriaan Hendrik Clarion.

2nd Holland Kol. Albertus Lyklama a Nyeholt (from 2nd regt.).

1st bat/2nd IR Kol Adriaan Willem Storm de Grave. (>GM 19.viii.09. In Brabant?)

2nd bat/4th IR [Lt.-]Kol. Christian Ludwich von Pfaffenrath (b. 1.i.63).

3e Cie (Hol.) Artillerie te Paard: Kapt. 1ste kl. Hendrik Rudolf Trip (b. 2.iv.79), w. Talavera. (2 - 6pdr guns and 4 - 24pdr howitzers.)

Comp. Train Soldaten (Hol.): Lt. J. Cousynse.

Miners ans Sappers (Hol.) Kapt. Gulielmus Lambert.

3rd Brigade: GM (Hesse) Georg Johann Schäfer von Bernstein (1758-1838). (prior GdB Balthazard Grandjean, left Spain March 1809).

AdC: Kapt. (Adolf ?) v. Herss.

Lt. (August?) v. Schäfer ( von Bernstein?).

4th (Gross und Erbprinz) Hessen-Darmstadt: Cmdr.: Maj. Wilhelm Weber (Cmdr. from 11.viii.09 to 9.vii.10) Maj. Eisermann (Eysermann), w. Almonacid. (handed over

command of the regiment to Maj. Weber 11.viii.09).

1st Bat.: Maj. Christian Weber. Acting cmdr. Kapt. Wilhelm Kraft.

2nd Bat.: Maj. Karl v. Schmalkalder. (k. Badajos.). Acting cmdr. Kapt. Friedrich Nebel.

Bat. de Frankfurt (3rd Conf. du Rhin) Oberst-lt. von Welsch , w. Talavera.

1st Bat.: Maj. Fritsch. Replaced von Welsch on 10.iii.10, when he returned home.

Hessen-Darmstadt art. ½ comp.: Lt. Ludwig Venator (b. 23.iv.89)(2- 8lb Spanish guns) (started with 4 - 6 lbers. and 97 men. Unit, under Capt. Haak, was captured at

Badajos (6.iv.12) and sent to England.)

3rd Division GdD Francois-Jean, baron Werle. (prior Valence).

1st brigade: GdB Francois-Pierre-Felix Vonderveidt (1766-1810)[from 9.x.09]. (to 12.vii.09 GdB Pierre, baron Margaron).

4th Polish Inft.: Col. Maciej Wierzbinski (promoted 16.ix.09). [Prior Col. Feliks Potocki, w. Almonacid.]

Major Cyryan Zdzitowiecki (promoted 16.ix.09), w. (as CdB) Almonacid..

1st Bat.: CdB Pawel Zambrzycki, w. Almonacid.

2nd Bat.: CdB Feliks Rylski (promoted 28.viii.09).

9th Polish Inft.: Col. Antoni Pawel Sulkowski, w. Ocana.

Major Feliks Gratowski, w. (as CdB) Almonacid.

1st Bat.: CdB Andrzej Szelski, w. Almonacid.

2nd Bat.: CdB Rafal Kierski (promoted 28.vii.09).

2nd brigade: GdB Jacques, baron Blondeau (from 18.xii.09 GdB Schramm).

7th Polish Inft.: Col. Stanislaw Jakubouski. (Col. Maciej Sobolewski, k. Almonacid.)

Major Stanislaw Luba (promoted 12.x.09), k?. (as CdB) Almonacid.

1st Bat.: CdB Sebastyan Golaszewski, w. Almonacid.

2nd Bat.: CdB Jakob Troszkowski (promoted 11.x.09).

2 [?] Foot Art Bats.:

Polish 3rd comp. 2nd bat.: Kapt. Antoni Kaminski.

(6 - 4lb., 4 - 8lb. guns and 2 howitzers.)

Sapeurs?: (Polish comp. Kapt. Wladyslaw Dabrowski ?).

FRENCH V CORPS, Marshall Mortier, w. Ocana.

Art. Cmdr.:

1st Division Provisional cmdr. GdB (>GD 17.xii.09) Jean-Baptiste, baron Girard (w. Ocana).

CoS: GdB Henri-Pierre Delaage, baron de Saint-Cyr.

CoArt: CB Francois Fruchard (5e a pied) w. Ocana.

1st Brigade GdB (formerly Girard).

34e Ligne: (1,2.3) Col. Charles-Francois, baron Remond, dit Remonda .

40e Ligne: Col. Thomas-Jean, baron Chassereaux. w. Ocana.

1er bat.: CdB (Louis?) Lasche (k. 6.v.10, Ataljato)

2e bat.: CdB Theodore Millet (acting cmdr. after Chassereaux was wounded)

3e bat.: CdB Gaspard Bonnet (k. 16.v.11, Albuhera)

2nd Brigade: GdB Francois-Pierre-Alexandre, baron Chauvel

64e Ligne: (1/2/3) Col. Henri-Martin Baradin de Pechery. m.w. Ocana, d. 3.xii.09.

CdB Pichard w. Ocana.

88e Ligne: (1/2/3) Col. Michel, baron Veilande. w. Ocana.

2 Foot Art Bats.:

[15th comp., 5th foot regt.: Capt. Haye?;

1st comp., 5th foot regt.: Capt. Jacquot?]

CAVALRYCavalry cmdr.: GdD Sebastiani

Light Cav div: cmdr. GdD(Sp.) Christophe-Antoine, comte Merlin. (present at Ocana.)

4th Corps Light Cavalry Brigade: GdB Antoine-Marie Paris d'Illins. (killed 18.xi.1809, Ocana (d'Ontigola)). [Earlier GdB Alexandre-Elizabeth-Michel Digeon; from Jan. 1810: GdB Andre-Thomas, baron Perreimond].

10e Chasseurs a Cheval: Col. Jacques-Gervais de Subervie.

Lancers of the Vistula: (1-4) Capt. Adam Huppe (Hupet) acting commander. [promoted

to chef d’esc. 17.xii.1809].

5th Corps Light Cavalry Brigade: GdB Charles-Victor Woirgard dit de Beaurgard (not sp. Beaur[e]gard!) (GdB Delaage?) (From 17.ix.09 baron Briche)

10e Hussars: Col. Andre-Louis-Elisabeth-Marie, baron Briche. (From 17.ix.09 GdB and cmdr. light cavalry brigade of 5th corps). Acting cmdr. Cd’E Francois-Marie Laval (or Delaval) [>Col 17.xii.09].

21er Chasseurs: Col. Charles-Francois-Antoine Steenhaudt (Steinhaudt) (w. Tage).

2nd Dragon Division: GdD Edouard-Jean-Baptiste, comte Milhaud.

1st Brigade: GdB

12e Dragons: Col. Jean-Gabriel-Marie Merlhes.

21er Dragons: Col. Jean-Francois-Noel Ruat.

2nd Brigade: Col. Vial (k. Ocana) replaced by Col. Corbineau: 20.xii.09.

16e Dragons: Col. Sebastian, baron Vial. k. 19.xi.09 by a cannon ball at Ocana.

20e Dragons: Col. Jean-Baptiste-Juvenal, baron Corbineau.


5e Dragons: Col. Louis-Ernest-Joseph de Sparre.

[9e Dragons (detached): Col. Mathieu, baron Queunot.]

2 Horse Art Bats.:

[3rd comp., 6th horse regt.: Capt. ?;

2nd comp., 3rd horse regt.: Capt. Cazeau[x]?]


1) “King’s Reserve” (Spanish): Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain: Gen Auguste-Julien Bigarre?

4 guard bats: Regiment de grenadiers a pied de la garde (Sp.).

+ four others;

guard cav: Regiment de chevau-legers de la garde (Sp.)

+ chasseurs: 1st (Sp.) regt chasseurs a cheval

Artillery: (Lt. Pons, k. 22.xi.09)

2) from the VIe Corps:

4th Division: GdD Jean-Joseph-Paul-Augustin, marquis Dessolle. (present Almonacid, Ocana)

1st Brigade: GdB Dio-Gratias-Nicholas, baron Godinot. (present Almonacid)

12eLeger: (1/2/3/4) GdB Jean-Baptiste, baron Jeanin (no officer casualties).

51er Ligne: (1/2/3) Col. Louis-Paul Baille, baron de St.-Pol (no officer casualties).

2nd Brigade: GdB Jean-Pierre-Antoine, baron Rey. (present Almonacid)

43e Ligne: (1/2/3) Col. Jean-Claude, baron Baussain (no officer casualties).

55e Ligne: (1/2/3) Col. Henri-Cesar-August, baron Schwiter (one officer casualty).

2 Foot Art Bats.:

[9th comp, 1st foot regt.: Capt. L’Espagnol?;

12th comp, 1st foot regt.: Capt. Claudin?]

Train: 5e Bat. Princ.:

3e comp.: Lt. Ternaux

4e comp.: Lt. Cumbes


Artillery commander: GdD(Art.) Alexandre-Antoine-Hureau, baron de Senarmont.
Artillery officers listed in Martinien:

Capt. Pidancet (8e a pied, 2e comp.) w. Almonacid.

Capt. Breschtel (3e a cheval, 1e comp.?) w. Ocana.

IV Corps Artillery:

1st Division:

1st Brigade: Kraus (formerly von Schäffer): 3rd Baden FAB.

2nd Brigade: Chasse: [Dutch company].

3rd Brigade: Schäffer von Bernstein: 2nd Hesse Darmstadt FAB.

3rd Division: 8/7th FAB. I show this company with the 1st division (28th , 32nd, 58th and 75th line) in Feb. 1809. The 3rd (Polish) division has, in Feb. 1809, the Polish battery that I show in our Ocana OOB.

Beaurgard [Cavalry?] Brigade (Beaurgard commanded the light cavalry brigade of the 5th Corps): 3/6th FAB (should this be 3/6th HAB? (see below)) [Not spelled Beauregard. There is no ‘e’ between the ‘r’ and the ‘g’!] My states do not show the 3/6 FAB in Spain at this time.

V Corps Artillery:

1st Division: 15/5th, 1/5th FAB. These companies were assigned to this division (then Suchet) in Feb 1809.

2nd Division: 2/1st, 3/1st FAB (only the 1st division involved at Ocana) The 5/1st and 1/5th were assigned to this division (Gazan) in Feb 1809.

Light Cavalry Brigade: 3/6th HAB. This company was assigned to Delaage(?)’s brigade (10th hussar and 21st chasseur) in Feb 1809.

VI Corps Artillery:
1st division:

2nd Brigade: Rey: 9/1st, 12/1st FAB (Two batteries? This must be for the division.) These companies were assigned to the 1st division (at that time the 3rd division (Mermet)) in Feb. 1809.

Milhaud's Dragoons: 2/3rd HAB, ? ( I think it could be either 7/3rd or 1/3rd or 3/2nd HAB )

The 2/3rd HAB was assigned to Milhaud in Feb. 1809.

Possible (?) units present:

V Corps

17th Legere (1/2/3) prov. Col. Georges, baron Beuret.

2nd Division GdD Honore-Theodore-Maxime Gazan, comte de La Peyriere. [Div not present ?]

1st Brigade: GdB Joseph, baron Pepin.

21th Legere (1/2/3) Col. Henri-Jacques-Martin, baron Lagarde.

100th Line (1/2/3) Col. Joachim-Jerome, baron Quiot du Passage.

2nd Brigade: GdB Michel-Sylvestre Brayer.

28th Legere (1/2/3) Col. Jean-Andre Praefke.

103th Line (1/2/3) Col. Antoine Rignoux.

2 Foot Art Bats. [5/1st and 1/5th FAB ?]

Attached Cavalry (3rd Division de dragons: Milhaud?)

1st Brigade: GdB

5th Dragoons Col. Louis-Ernest-Joseph de Sparre. (not present)

8th Dragoons Col. Alexandre-Louis-Robert de Girardin d’Ermenonville (not present)

26th Dragoons Col. Vital-Joachim, baron Chamorin. (present ?)

Brigade: GdB(Spanish) Jean-Baptiste-Alexandre Strolz.

26th Chasseurs a Cheval Col. Jacques-Laurent-Louis-Augustin, baron Vial.

3rd Dutch Hussars (1-4) Col. Anthony Mathias Jacob Joseph Roest van Alkemade. (Col Jean Baptiste van Merlen?). detached

V Corps Light Cavalry

Horse Art Bat. [3/6th HAB ?]

Attached Cavalry Brigade GdB Antoine-Marie Paris d'Illins. [servit sous Mortier en 1809, killed 18.xi.1809 Ocana (d'Ontigola).]

10th Chasseurs a Cheval Col. Jacques-Gervais de Subervie. REGT. LISTED TWICE!

27th Chasseurs a Cheval Col. Prosper-Louis, duc d’Arenberg.

“Mentioned” names (to research):

Frederic-Christophe-Henri-Pierre-Claude baron Vagnair dit Marizy. Brigadier (13th and22nd drag) , 4th div dragons.

Antoine-Marie Paris d'Illins. servit sous Mortier en 1809, killed 18.xi.1809 Ocana (d'Ontigola).

Henri-Pierre Delaage, baron de Saint-Cyr. Chief of staff of 1st div, 5th corps.

Jean-Baptiste-Alexandre Strolz. As "Spanish" general, from 28.vii.1809 commaded brigade of 10th and 26th chasseurs. Aide de camp to King Joseph.

Alexandre-Elisabeth-Michel, vicomte Digeon. Cmdr bigade cav 1st div de reserve (Loison) 7 nov. 1809.

Jean-Pierre-Antoine, baron Rey. 43rd and 55th regts in 15.xi.1808.

Spanish Army[edit]
Aréizaga commanded 51,000 men[8] in eight infantry and four cavalry divisions, with 60 cannon manned by 1,500 artillerists. Other authorities give the Spanish 60,000[7] or 56,500 men[9]
Spanish infantry[9][10]
1st Division: Luis Roberto de Lacy (7,700)
9 battalions of Burgos, Alcala, 1/Espana, 1/Loxa, 1/Seville, Provincial of Cordova, Prov. of Chinchilla.
2nd Division: Gaspar de Vigodet (7,100)
9 bns. of Corona, Military Orders, Ronda, Alcazar, Ciudad Real, 1/Guadix.
3rd Division: Pedro Agustín Girón (5,200)
8 bns. of 1/Guards, 2/Guards, 2/Cordova, Gailen, Prov. of Jaen, Prov. of Toledo.
4th Division: F. Castejon (6,400)
8 bns. of 1/Malaga, 5/Seville, 2/Loxa, Bujalance, Xeres, 3/Cordova, Velez Malaga Cazadores.
5th Division: N. Zerain 5th Division (5,900)
7 bns. of Barbastro Cazadores, 2/Espana, 2/Seville, 2/Madrid, Provincial of Granada, 3/Walloon Guards.
6th Division: N. Jacome (7,600)
9 bns. of Badajoz, Jaen, Alpujarras, 4/Seville, Prov. of Malaga, Prov. of Ecija, Estremadura Tiradores.
7th Division: Francisco Copons (5,100)
6 bns. of Murcia, Real Marina, Africa, Reyna Regts.
Vanguard: José Pascual de Zayas y Chacón (6,000)
7 bns. Cantabria, Valencia Volunteers, 2/Majorca, Prov. of Plasencia, Prov. Grenadiers, Espana Vols.
Manuel Alberto Freire de Andrade y Armijo, Spanish cavalry (5,800)
1st Division: Juan Bernuy
Rey, Infante, Almanza, Estremadura Carabineers and Lancers, Madrid Vols.
2nd Division: Jose Rivas
Pavia, 1st and 2nd Estremadura Hussars, Toledo Cazadores.
3rd Division: Miguel March
Montesa, Reyna, Santiago, Principe, Cordova, Alcantara.
4th Division: V. Osorio
Farnesio, Lusitania, Espana, Granada Cazadores, Fernanda VII Grenadiers.
French Army[edit]
King Joseph led the French army in name only. Actual command over the 24,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry, 1,500 artillerists and 50 cannon[11] was exercised by Marshal Nicolas Soult. Two army corps, three cavalry divisions and the Central Reserve formed core of the army.
IV Corps Horace Sébastiani
Division: Jean Leval
2 battalions each of Dutch brigade, 2nd Nassau, Baden, Hesse-Darmstadt Erbprinz Regts., 1 bn. Frankfurt.
Division: François Werlé
2 bns. each of 4th, 7th and 9th Poles.
Five artillery batteries.
3rd Dutch Hussar, Polish Vistula Lancer Regts.
V Corps Marshal Édouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph Mortier
Division: Jean Baptiste Girard
3 bns. each of 17th Light, 40th, 64th, 88th Line. 4 bns. 34th Line.
Division: Honoré Théodore Maxime Gazan de la Peyrière
3 bns. each of 21st and 28th Light, 100th and 103rd Line.
Five artillery batteries.
Cavalry and Central Reserve
Division: Édouard Jean Baptiste Milhaud (1,800)
5th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 21st Dragoon Regiments.
Division: Antoine Paris d'Illins † (1,000)
10th and 26th Chasseur, Westphalian Light Horse Regts.
Division: Charles Victor Woirgard (Beauregard) (1,500)
10th Hussar, 21st Chasseur, 13th and 22nd Dragoon Regts.
Royal Guard cavalry: (700)
King's Spanish Chasseur, 27th Chasseur Regts.
Central Reserve: Jean-Joseph, Marquis Dessolles (7,000)
Royal Guard Brigade: 4 Guard battalions, 51st and 55th Line.
Brigade: Louis Emmanuel Rey: 12th Light, 43rd Line.[9]

The Battle of Ocaña (or Ocana) was fought on 19 November 1809 between French forces under Marshal Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duke of Dalmatia and King Joseph Bonaparte and the Spanish army under Juan Carlos de Aréizaga, which suffered its greatest single defeat in the Peninsular War. General Juan Carlos de Aréizaga's Spanish army of 51,000 lost nearly 19,000 killed, wounded, prisoners and deserters, mostly due to the French use of their cavalry. The strategic consequences were also devastating, as it destroyed the only force capable of defending southern Spain; the area was overrun over the winter in the Andalusia campaign.
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